D203 Fuel Cell Concept Car & Gas Station

949,00  exkl. MwSt. und zzgl. Versand

Availability: In stock

Fuel Cell Concept Car & Gas Station

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SKU: 20222 Categories: ,
Model: 20222


The most realistic model car set gives observers a glimpse of the transportation technology of the future. The gas station uses solar power to run an electrolyser and produce hydrogen gas. This gas then feeds the air-breathing double fuel cell on board the car, producing electricity and driving the car forward. One tank of hydrogen produces enough power for a 7-minute run time! Diminishing resources, more severe environmental impacts and the ever increasing demand for energy force us to reconsider the structure of our energy supply system. Automobile industry and oil companies increasingly invest in hydrogen technology because it offers solutions to some of these concerns. This fascinating technology combines a sound energy supply with minimal impact on our natural resources.

Hydrogen is produced and stored in the Hydrogen Gas Station. The Fuel Cell Concept Car is fueled with hydrogen, and realistically demonstrates the technology of future fuel cell vehicles. The equipment can be used to demonstrate the operation of PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) fuel cells and PEM Electrolyzers.



  • Model Car
  • Fuel Cell Stack Hydrogen and Air (two cells)
  • Electrolyzer
  • Hydrogen Storage Tank
  • 3-Panel Solar Module
  • Hydrogen Gas Station Base
  • Power Supply (can be used in placed of solar module for faster operation)
  • Instructional Textbook


User Manual

